Pakistan’s Ex-PM Imran Khan Gets 14 Years, Wife 7, in Corruption Case

Pakistans ExPM Imran Khan Gets 14 Years Wife 7 in

On Friday Imran Khan the former prime minister of Pakistan got a 14-year prison sentence. His wife Bushra Bibi got seven years. This was because of a case about them misusing their power and being corrupt with the Al-Qadir University Project Trust. Khan also has to pay about $3500 and Bibi about half that. They were sentenced in the jail where Khan has been since last August.

These sentences come when things are already tense politically and there’s been a long argument happening. Khan’s political party was trying to talk with the government but this might make those talks harder now. The accusations were about money problems with the Al-Qadir University project. They say Khan used his position wrongly to help the project get started. The court case happened in the jail where Khan was already held after being arrested.

This sentencing is another twist in Pakistan’s complicated political situation. When the court made its decision is important and may cause trouble for the political talks and the whole country’s stability. It’s a big deal since Khan used to be a very important political leader now he and his wife have to serve a lot of prison time.

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