Pentagon Faces Leadership Void as Top Officials Exit, Military Chiefs Fill Gaps

Pentagon Faces Leadership Void as Top Officials

Okay so when the new President takes office on Monday there will be a big gap in leadership at the Pentagon. All the top civilian leaders like the Secretary of Defense are leaving. By Friday they still hadn’t picked anyone to be the acting defense secretary which means that important job is just empty. This makes things unclear about who is really in charge there right now.

Also the heads of the army, navy and air force are going to have to act as temporary service secretaries. That’s unusual because those roles are usually held by civilians. It’s happening because they couldn’t find anyone to take those positions or people they asked said no. So you have military people filling civilian jobs which is not typical during this kind of change.

This lack of a plan at the Pentagon makes people wonder how well it will work at first. Key civilian jobs are empty and military leaders are stepping in temporarily so it’s going to be tough to keep everything running well and plan ahead for the military. It shows how important it is to have a smooth change of power especially in key government spots.

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