Jamshedpur celebrated Guru Gobind Singh birth anniversary in Sakchi Gurudwara Sahib

Guru-Parb jamshedpur

Jamshedpur News: Guru Gobind Singh Jayanthi Celebrated in Sakchi Gurudwara Sahib by Sikh community. Every year in December or January, the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, celebrates his birth anniversary, which is known as Prakash Parv. This celebration is known as Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti.

On this day, devotees from all around the world greet one another and make a commitment to follow the teachings and path of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This year, on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti will be observed with considerable fanfare. The purpose of the day is to honor and commemorate the legendary warrior, poet, philosopher, and spiritual guide. He is recognized for having introduced the five Ks, or articles of faith worn by Khalsa Sikhs, and for founding the Khalsa Sikh warrior community.

Azad Samaj Party’s State President Kashif Raza was also attended in the Sakchi gurudwara Sahib with his team celebrating the auspicious occasion with Sikh brother.

Azad Samaj Party

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