Lebanon: Hezbollah Demands Total Israeli Withdrawal by February 18 Deadline

Tensions are rising in southern Lebanon as a key leader has issued a firm demand. Naim Qassem, a high-ranking official in Hezbollah, is calling for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the area. He has set a deadline of February 18th for this to happen.

Hezbollah’s Demand for Israeli Withdrawal

In a recent televised address, Qassem made it clear that Hezbollah expects a full Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon by the stated date. He emphasized that there should be no remaining Israeli military presence or positions in the region after February 18th. This demand is putting pressure on all parties involved to find a resolution.

The Role of the Lebanese Government

Qassem also highlighted the important role of the Lebanese government in ensuring this withdrawal takes place. He urged the government to do everything possible to make sure Israel adheres to the timeline. This means the Lebanese government may need to use diplomatic efforts to push for the Israeli withdrawal. Consider reading more about the history of the Hezbollah and Israeli relationship to understand the underlying tensions.

What Happens Next?

The demand for complete Israeli withdrawal by February 18th creates a tense situation. All eyes are on how Israel and Lebanon will respond in the coming days. The consequences of missing this deadline are currently unknown, but Qassem’s strong words suggest potential escalation.

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