The Indian Supreme Court looked at a case where the Allahabad High Court wanted to combine 15 lawsuits. These lawsuits are all about a mosque in Mathura called Shahi Idgah. Hindu people who filed the suits say the mosque is built on a holy site called Krishna Janmabhoomi. They want the mosque removed. The Allahabad High Court said last year that all the lawsuits should be heard together. The Supreme Court reviewed this on a Friday with Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Sanjay Kumar involved.
The Supreme Court thinks it’s a good idea for the cases to be combined like the High Court said. They believe it will be easier for everyone involved this way. The court sees the High Court’s decision to combine them as sensible right now. It’s about whether the mosque is on a special Hindu site or not. Combining the lawsuits just means the court process is smoother for everyone making these claims about the mosque.
The Supreme Court said if anyone still has a problem with combining the cases they can bring it up again later on. Remember these cases are all about the claim that the mosque is on Hindu holy land and should be taken down. The Supreme Court isn’t making a final decision about the land dispute yet it’s just about how the cases are being handled at the lower court for now. So the matter is still being looked at by the courts.