Uttar Pradesh Excavates Suspected Ancient Temple Sites Amid Tensions

Uttar Pradesh Excavates Suspected Ancient Temple S

Last week in Firozabad, India officials started digging at two spots after people said they found old temples. This happened because groups called Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal asked the government to dig after they reported seeing temple remains. Police are there too which has made some people nervous mostly in the areas where Muslims live.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Just recently there were similar claims and digging in Sambhal which is near Firozabad. It seems like when these groups say they found old temples they ask for the government to dig. These groups are the ones who found the sites and are pushing for the excavations.

So far the government has been digging when asked. The police being there is making things tense particularly for the Muslim community. Basically what’s happening is someone claims they see temple ruins a group asks for digging to happen then the government does the digging with police support.

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