President Erdogan asked the PKK to give up their weapons. He said this in Diyarbakir a city with many Kurdish people. He believes it’s a real chance to stop the fighting that’s been going on since the 1980s which has resulted in many lives lost. He stressed that this opportunity should not be wasted.
This is a change from how the Turkish government used to act. They previously focused on fighting the Kurds and using force. Now they are talking with a pro-Kurdish political party. They seem to be looking for political ways to end this conflict that has lasted a long time. The plan is to achieve peace by getting the PKK to disarm.
The PKK is considered a terrorist group by Turkey and other countries and they haven’t yet responded to Erdogan’s request. This conflict has caused a lot of violence and instability. Whether both sides are truly ready to talk and compromise to find peace is still something to be seen. There’s a lot of history and distrust between them so things are very complex.