Some independent human rights experts connected to the United Nations are asking the Palestinian Authority to change their minds about banning Al Jazeera. They’re worried because this ban stops Al Jazeera from doing their work in Palestinian areas and this hurts peoples freedom to share and get information particularly for Palestinians. The experts feel the ban is too much and not needed because it makes it harder for news and different ideas to reach people.
These UN experts also talked with the Palestinian Authority directly. They explained that all journalists there local and international need to be able to work safely without restrictions. They want the PA to take back the ban so there can be open news and people can see what’s really happening. This all came about just after the PA decided to stop Al Jazeera from working there. The experts are focusing on how this ban is impacting the peoples access to news.
Basically the experts are calling out the PA because they’re worried about news freedom and peoples right to information. This ban on Al Jazeera is a big problem because it stops the flow of information and keeps Palestinians from seeing different views. The experts main point is the PA’s actions go against international rules about press freedom because it limits the Palestinian peoples right to know whats going on.