Delhi Court Reserves Ruling on Jailed MP’s Plea to Attend Parliament

Delhi Court Reserves Ruling on Jailed MPs Plea to

The Delhi High Court is weighing whether to allow jailed Lok Sabha MP Rashid Engineer to attend the current Parliament session. Engineer is currently on trial in a terror funding case. Justice Vikas Mahajan announced on Friday that the court would reserve its decision after listening to arguments from both Engineer’s lawyer and the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

The main question is whether Engineer will be granted custody parole, which would allow him temporary release from jail. Engineer wants to be present in Parliament during the session. However, the NIA is firmly opposing this request, presenting a strong argument against his release.

The NIA argues that simply being a Member of Parliament doesn’t guarantee the right to attend sessions while incarcerated. They also stated that Engineer hasn’t provided sufficient justification for a temporary release. This case brings up important issues about the rights and responsibilities of elected officials facing criminal charges.

During the court hearing, both sides presented their arguments. Engineer’s lawyer emphasized his client’s need to represent his constituents in Parliament. On the other hand, the NIA stressed security concerns and the seriousness of the charges against Engineer.

Justice Vikas Mahajan stated that the court’s decision is reserved, meaning a decision will be made after careful consideration. The Delhi High Court will examine all arguments before reaching a final conclusion on Engineer’s request for custody parole.

This legal matter highlights the delicate balance between the duties of an elected official and the legal process. The Delhi High Court’s decision could set an example for similar cases in the future, influencing how courts handle requests from jailed lawmakers who wish to participate in parliamentary sessions.

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