Canadian Rapper Drake video goes viral #drakevideo trends on twitter/X

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On social media on Tuesday, a video that appeared to show Drake nude from the waist down went viral and sparked a meme frenzy. The Canadian rapper quickly gained popularity across a number of channels. It turned out to be something else, despite what some fans initially believed to be a leaked music. Some have tagged it as NSFW, or not suitable for work, denoting that it shouldn’t be viewed by the general public. The rapper, 37, has not yet commented on the video. TIND Posting currently is unable to verify its legitimacy.

Drake’s music endeavour did not make him the top trending topic on social media on Tuesday. Following the virality of an alleged X-rated video on Twitter, the Canadian rapper caused a stir among the social media community.

The video, which allegedly showed Drake engaging in a sexual act while semi-naked in bed, started making the rounds online. The source of the video leak is still unknown, but it created enough interest to propel the rapper to the top of the trending list.

Here is Drakes reaction on twitter/X

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