UN Warned Gaza Blockade Would Cause Humanitarian Crisis in 2012, But Little Action Followed

Gaza UN united nations

In 2012 a United Nations report looked at the economy in Gaza it was called “The Gaza Strip: The Economic Situation and the Prospects for Development”. This report talked about how bad things were there and what the future might look like for the 1.8 million people living there. The main goal was to show how things were getting worse and that not doing anything about the blockade could cause a big problem. The report looked at how the blockade hurt the economy and made life hard for the people.

The report made it clear that the blockade was making living conditions in Gaza very difficult. It stressed that if the blockade wasn’t addressed things would only get worse for the people and the society there. The UN was basically saying this situation is really serious and if things dont change a major crisis could happen. They were telling the world we need to do something.

Even though the report made it clear what was happening not much was done. The big fear in the report was that the blockade and all the economic restrictions would make life in Gaza unbearable. They warned that if nothing was done the situation would keep getting worse and could cause a huge humanitarian crisis. It was a urgent warning that sadly went mostly ignored.

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