12 Jharkhand Police Officers Honored with Meritorious Service Medals

12 Jharkhand Police Officers Honored with Meritori

The Central Home Ministry recently honored twelve Jharkhand police officers with the Police Medal for Meritorious Service, recognizing their exceptional work. This award, given on Republic Day, celebrates their important roles in fighting extremist groups, organized crime, and other criminal activities across the state. High-ranking officers like Inspector General Michael Raj, along with Vijaya Lakshmi and Deputy Superintendent of Police Neeraj Kumar, received medals for their bravery and success in maintaining law and order.

These officers have played a key role in leading operations against various threats to public safety in Jharkhand. Their hard work and focus in combating both violent extremism and complex criminal groups have been essential. Moreover, this recognition from the Central Home Ministry shows how crucial these officers are to ensuring the safety and security of the community. A ministry spokesperson said that their actions demonstrate the dedication of the Jharkhand police force, which continuously strives to maintain peace and order.

In addition to the high-ranking officers, other police personnel from different ranks also received medals. These included havaldars, Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASIs), and inspectors, all recognized for their outstanding service and commitment. This award highlights the wide range of officers who are making important contributions to the state’s safety. This recognition not only celebrates their past accomplishments but also encourages them to continue their impactful work. One senior police official mentioned that the efforts of these officers “has resulted in significant positive impact on citizen’s safety.”

This event acknowledges the constant efforts of the Jharkhand police force. It also serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by those who work to keep the community safe. This recognition clearly shows the central government’s support and appreciation for those who are at the front lines of fighting crime and promoting peace in Jharkhand.

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