Clash between two group over minor dispute in Dhanbad

dhanbad nirsa fight between two groups

There are reports of a violent fight between two groups at Khushri More, which is under the jurisdiction of Nirsa police station, Dhanbad over a minor dispute. There are also reports that this altercation resulted in numerous people suffering major injuries. Police were called to the scene as soon as they learned of the incident. Everything about it has been turned into a police camp.

What was the matter in Dhanbad?

In Nirsa, two bikes suddenly collided. According to report one party was riding the bike at very high speed which caused the accident. Locals caught hold of the driver and asked him to call his parents to resolve the matter since the accident caused injuries.

However the person called group of men which suddenly came and started attacking the other group. The incident took violent turn and stone pelting started from both the ends.

The situation was brought under control by local police and as per report many got injured due to violence.

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