Jamshedpur News: Late-Night Scooter Crashes, Rider bumped into Trailer.

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A young person was critically injured by a caravan in Chhota Govindpur.
Utkarsh Raj suffers critical injuries in a scooter collision near Anna Chowk in Chhota Govindpur; onlookers detain the driver and trailer.

JAMSHEDPUR – Utkarsh Raj, the young person from Bada Govindpur who was hurt, is presently undergoing treatment at TMH.

Raj was first brought to the Tata Motors Hospital after the collision.

The collision happened Friday night about 11:30 p.m. in the area of Anna Chowk, which is under the jurisdiction of Chhota Govindpur police.

When the caravan hit Raj as he was riding his scooter, he was seriously hurt.

In the aftermath, onlookers were instrumental in apprehending the trailer driver and securing the car.

The local police were subsequently given the driver and caravan by these quick-witted witnesses.

The tragedy has spurred discussions about local traffic laws and serves as a sobering reminder of the difficulties associated with road safety.

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