January 23, Jamshedpur: As part of the State Education Project, Jharkhand, all District Education Officers participated in a career counselling event hosted by the Department of Allied Health Sciences at Manipal Tata Medical College, located in the city.
APOs from every district as well as subdivisional educational officers participated in the meeting.
All of the members were given a 15-minute presentation on allied health sciences by representatives of Manipal Tata Medical College.
The programme assisted in raising awareness and disseminating knowledge about the many allied health occupations and Manipal Tata Medical College’s allied health programmes.
The cooperative endeavour aimed to equip people with the information required to decide intelligently whether to pursue jobs in allied health following Plus Two.
Dr. Maheshwar Prasad, who heads the Manipal Tata Medical College Outreach Programme and was formerly the district’s civil surgeon, said, “It helped us to contribute to spreading the awareness to all the district officials of the education department from state education project at a glance to aware, to attract and to help them get informed about allied health programmes offered by the Allied Health Sciences department of Manipal Tata Medical College.”