Lakshmi Bharti, the Garhwa Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), has not been allowed time off and has been absent for a month. Nobody who works for the project office, Anganwadi workers, or assistants knows where she has disappeared. No one could be assigned the responsibility of Garhwa CDPO due to insufficient information on him. This has a negative impact on the child development work being done in Garhwa Block. Salary, nutrition, meetings, awareness, and other routine activities for maids and assistants are not being tracked. The Garhwa Block Office complex’s lowest floor houses the Garhwa CDPO office.
Every day, workers, including maids and assistants, come to the office to perform a variety of tasks and leave feeling let down. However, it appears that neither the district administration nor the senior officials are taking this seriously. Every month, the project’s staff get together for a meeting during the final week. This involves reviewing their work, making any necessary corrections, and giving them fresh directions. Even though the CDPO had every opportunity to attend this meeting, they chose not to. Lakshmi Bharti reportedly hasn’t visited the office since December 28.
Numerous works impacted:
The government’s most significant initiatives include the Savitri Bai Phule Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana, and Kanyadaan Yojana because of the lack of CDPO. The CDPO’s approval of the Savitri Bai Phule project in the Garhw block is still waiting. In addition, there are still unfinished tasks like paying the nutrition allowance, paying salaries, and hearing maids’ complaints. Additionally, file movement does not occur.
Lakshmi Bharti: I’m not absent; I’m on leave.
Regarding this, CDPO Lakshmi Bharti stated over the phone that she is on leave and neither missing nor absent.
The email-submitted leave request has been denied: Purnima Kumari
Purnima Kumari, the district social welfare officer, said that CDPO Lakshmi Bharti submitted her leave request by email. He had requested time off and disclosed the details of his brother’s sickness in it. However, his request for leave was turned down. If he doesn’t show up for work consistently, he will be given a show-cause notice. Thereafter, more action will be done.