Ammonia Leak at Meat Factory Leaves Workers Unconscious; Report Sought

ammonia leak aligarh

Ammonia leak at Aligarh meat factory sends seven to hospital.

A big leak happened at Fair Export India meat factory in Aligarh on December 15. Some gas from a chiller leaked into the packaging area, where lots of people were working, like about 100 workers including 40 women. This made seven workers pass out and they had to go to the hospital right away. It was quite a scene

The local big boss, the District Magistrate, he stopped the factory and got a team together to check out what went wrong. The team had people from the police, fire, labor, pollution people and administration they all worked together to find out why this happened. Turns out it was a fault with the machines not really the factory’s fault directly but still pretty scary for those workers

Now the state government they want all the details and have asked for a full report. The officials will tell the government everything and despite it being a machine problem they are still on it to make sure everyone is safe at work from now on. They want to be sure this type of stuff doesn’t happen again you know.

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