The Delhi BJP, headed by Virendra Sachdeva wants the Election Commission to check where Aam Aadmi Party candidates get their money from especially if they use crowdfunding. They’re worried some AAP candidates might be getting money from groups that don’t like India. The BJP wants the Election Commission to make sure everyone knows exactly where campaign funds come from before the election because they think some sources might be bad news.
The BJP thinks AAP might be using crowdfunding to hide money from questionable places. They haven’t shown clear proof but they are saying they worry about foreign influence or illegal money. They want the Election Commission to legally check that no money is coming from groups that are “against” India. The BJP sees this as a serious national security issue and that’s why they want to know where all the campaign funds are really coming from.
This all comes after Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said some things criticizing how AAP does its crowdfunding. The BJP seems to think AAP is using crowdfunding to cover up money related to bad behavior. They’re going to ask the Election Commission to check these sources so they can be sure all candidates are following the rules and elections are fair. They want to make sure no dangerous groups from outside India are influencing elections.