The Hyderabad Toofans won against the Vedanta Kalinga Lancers 5-1 in a hockey game on Sunday January 2024. The Toofans’ goals came from Gonzalo Peillat who scored two, plus one each from Maico Casella Tim Brand and Arshdeep Singh. Even though the Kalinga Lancers scored first the Toofans came back strong.
After the Lancers scored early the Toofans quickly tied the game with a goal by Gonzalo Peillat. They kept the pressure up with Maico Casella scoring next and then Peillat again. Tim Brand and Arshdeep Singh added more goals later in the game to make the win decisive.
The Hyderabad Toofans played a really strong game showing they could score and handle pressure. The Kalinga Lancers started well but could not keep up with the Toofans’ scoring and lost the match.