Loud Music at Temples & Mosques: Police Issue Guidelines for Religious Events

jalalabad police

Jalalabad police had a peace meet led by CO Jalalabad to talk about rules for religious and social events. They mainly discussed controlling noise from temples and mosques during prayer times and use of DJs at weddings. Police said no DJs after 10 pm, and breaking the rule means punishment. They asked everyone to follow the rules to keep the peace around here.

CO Jalalabad Amit Chaurasia also heard from the people at the meeting. He wanted to hear their worries and problems and deal with them. This shows they’re not just making rules but also trying to make everyone work together better. Its like they want people to understand and follow the rules and fix other stuff in our communities.

Many community leaders came like Abdul Latif, Anuj Singh, Gopal Mishra and councilors Harshit Gupta and Shaharuddin, also Noohasan and Brijesh Kumar. This shows that community leaders also care about keeping peace. So now everyone is together to make these new rules work.

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