Massive Protest Against New Pension Scheme in Gujarat ahead of PM Modi’s Visit

ops nps gujarat protest

Protest advocating for the implementation of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) has been initiated by hundreds of government workers, mostly teachers, and is expected to cloud Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s forthcoming visit to Gujarat according to TFPJ. The demonstration, which took place at the Gandhinagar Satyagrah camp, brings attention to the long-standing resentment of the government’s New Pension Scheme (NPS).

Why are employees protesting in Gandhinagar, Gujarat?

Government employees are urging Central and State governments to revert back the Old Pension Scheme and scrap New Pension Scheme. According to the employees, the Old Pension Scheme offers a more secure and predictable post-retirement income compared to the NPS, which is market-linked and considered riskier.

No Commitment from the Government

Government officials have yet not given any commitment on the implementation of Old Pension Scheme. A government spokesperson Rishikesh Patel even stated that various issues, both significant and minor, tend to surface during election periods.

The government response on the issue has fueled frustration among the protestors.