Poonch Army Operation: Investigation Alleges Generals Ordered Civilian Torture, Deaths

Poonch Army Operation Investigation Alleges Genera

A recent investigation by The Caravan magazine has brought forth serious allegations against Indian Army officers in Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir. The report indicates that two high-ranking army generals oversaw the torture and murder of civilians following a militant ambush in December 2023. This operation, known as “Operation Pangai,” was intended to target militants. However, the investigation suggests that the operation resulted in the widespread abuse of civilians instead. The report contains detailed accounts of torture, raising significant concerns about the army’s conduct during the operation.

Specifically, the alleged violence occurred between December 21st and 22nd. During this period, civilians were reportedly rounded up and subjected to severe mistreatment. The Caravan report states, “In this story we have found solid evidence that the Indian Army tortured these men to death.” The evidence, according to the report, points to physical abuse reportedly ordered by senior army personnel. These allegations arrive at a time of ongoing tension in the region. Consequently, human rights activists have expressed outrage regarding the conduct of the military. The report details specific instances of brutality, including an account where army personnel allegedly “jumped on his chest to see if he was alive.”

These accusations raise serious concerns about the potential abuse of power within the Indian Army. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the need for increased transparency and accountability when dealing with the armed forces. The investigation calls for a complete review of the army’s policies and procedures regarding how they handle civilians during military operations. The situation in Poonch remains tense, and it is important that these allegations are addressed with utmost seriousness. Doing so will ensure justice for the victims and hold those responsible accountable.

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