Supreme Court Rejects Plea to Exclude Children of IAS/IPS Officers from SC/ST Reservations
So basically the Supreme Court in India was asked to not give reservation benefits to kids of IAS and IPS officers who are SC/ST but the court was like nah that’s the government’s job not ours. Some guy from Madhya Pradesh was saying that some people are taking too much advantage of the system and it should be fairer for the really needy. He wanted the court to make a rule like the “creamy layer” idea, you know where the well-off people get excluded from benefits, especially for kids of IAS and IPS.
The dude who filed the case was saying that the Supreme Court itself had earlier said that states can break up the SC/ST list to give preference to the most needy. Some states have already done this but not Madhya Pradesh and that’s not fair, he said. He wanted the court to tell the MP government to do this “creamy layer” thing so that the kids of high officials aren’t hogging all the jobs and college seats but till then at least exclude the kids of big officials.
But the court basically said that it is not their job you know, that they can’t tell the government what to do in terms of reservation. They said that previous rulings about breaking up the SC/ST list were just suggestions to the government and not orders. The government and the people they elect should make these decisions about who gets what benefits, not the courts. So basically the court pushed this back to the government to take care of.