Supreme Court Orders ‘Cashless’ Treatment for Accident Victims in ‘Golden Hour’

Supreme Court accident victims

Supreme Court says government needs to make a policy for cashless treatment for folks hurt in car accidents in that first important hour after it happens. The court said this on January 8 2025 wanting to make sure people get help right away and save lives. The judges said the government needs to follow Section 162(2) of some law and told them they gotta make this policy happen by March 14, no more waiting around.

The court knows that this first hour after an accident is super important and that too many people die cause they can’t get help fast enough. They know hospitals worry about getting paid and whether police show up but according to the law insurance companies gotta cover these costs. Thing is this rule has been around since April 1, 2022 but nothing has been done. So court saying government needs to do its job and protect everyone’s right to live.

They also talked about a draft policy that was not good enough cause it had limits on how much money could be spent like ₹1.5 lakh and only covered treatment for seven days. Court said that’s not enough people need complete care. They also said some money set aside for car accident victims can be used for this cashless treatment and they ordered the insurance companies to hurry up and make a website for claims, especially hit-and-run cases and get all pending claims done by March 14 2025.

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