The Supreme Court in India said that degrees called Alim and Fazil from the Uttarakhand Madrasa Board aren’t legal. This affects many students and schools in the state. Basically, degrees from this board aren’t considered valid anymore. It’s like the court saying those degrees aren’t real, which is a big problem for students who have them.
This decision came from a case in Uttar Pradesh but the article doesn’t say exactly how it relates to the Uttarakhand board. Because of this ruling, degrees from the Uttarakhand board aren’t good for school or jobs, making students really worried since they counted on these degrees. It’s also confusing because it’s not clear how that other case led to this decision.
Now students in Uttarakhand and their schools are dealing with the fallout. Students don’t know what to do next with their school and job plans since their degrees aren’t considered valid anymore. The schools are also trying to figure out how this ruling impacts them. Nobody knows yet how this will all get fixed, which makes things very stressful for everyone involved.