Uttarakhand Women Allege Forced Labor After Haldwani Riots

Uttarakhand Women Allege Forced Labor After Haldwa

On February 8 2024 a mosque and madrasa in Haldwani Uttarakhand were torn down and this led to riots. Sadly seven people died and over 150 were hurt because of the violence that followed. The demolition itself caused a lot of anger and protests in the area.

After the riots six women were arrested and held for seven months. Now released on bail they say they were mistreated in jail. They report being forced to do manual labor without pay. This included cleaning toilets and mopping floors basically doing all sorts of hard work inside the prison.

These women say they had no choice about doing these chores and didn’t get any money for the work. This makes people wonder about how those locked up are treated and if their rights are being protected especially if their arrest was related to the February 8th incident.

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