Who is responsible for Assassination attempt on Donald Trump?

Terrorist Attempted Assassination on Donald Trump: Are Zionists involved in the assassination attempt?

According to Trump, a bullet went through his upper right ear. After hearing gunshots, he was hurried off the stage, although his campaign claims he is “fine.”
The gunman was outside the rally in an “elevated position,” and the Secret Service has confirmed that one of their agents killed him. Additionally, the agency verified that two spectators had suffered critical injuries and one spectator had died.

Since the US’s founding, four presidents and one candidate have been assassinated.

  • 1865 saw Abraham Lincoln.
  • 1881 saw James Garfield.
  • 1901 saw William McKinley
  • Kennedy Jr. in 1965
  • In 1968, Robert F. Kennedy ran for President

FBI names terrorist who attacked Donald Trump

In a statement obtained by NBC and CBS broadcasters, the FBI stated, “The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania.”
It provided no details regarding his purported motivation.

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Relationship Between Donald Trump and Israel

There has been a lot of discussion and controversy surrounding Donald Trump’s relationship with Israel. Trump showed a solid alliance with Israel during his presidency, making a number of critical choices that strengthened this relationship. This seemingly unwavering relationship became more complicated during his tenure, though, as there were also periods of criticism and policy changes. The discussion of Trump’s position on Israel in this article centers on his criticisms of Israel’s military operations, his move to cut off US foreign aid, and his charges that Israel is anti-Muslim.

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Strong Alliance

Trump made it plain early in his presidency that he was a devoted supporter of Israel. His administration recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocated the American embassy there, among other measures that strengthened this alliance. Many in Israel and pro-Israel organizations in the US applauded these actions, which were a major shift from the more cautious policies of previous administrations.

Criticism of Israel’s War Efforts

Even though he supported Israel generally, Trump did not hesitate to criticize it when he thought it was appropriate. One significant instance occurred in 2021 during the Gaza conflict. Trump urged Israel to exercise greater restraint and openly denounced the scope of its military response. Many were taken aback by this criticism, especially in light of Trump’s previous resolute support for Israel’s right to self-defense. The fact that Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the time, expressed disapproval in response to Trump’s remarks highlighted how unexpected they were.

Halting American Foreign Funding

Late in 2021, Trump made a major policy announcement: US foreign aid to Israel would stop. Fiscal responsibility and worries about financial abuse were the justifications for this decision. This action represented a major turning point because of the long history of U.S. aid to Israel, which has been essential for the security and economic stability of the nation. The choice damaged relations between the United States and Israel and spurred discussion about the future of foreign aid and its implications for American interests in American politics.

Donald Trump and Israel: A Complex Relationship

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Trump’s Criticism of Israel’s War Efforts

After he started questioning Israel’s military actions, Donald Trump’s relationship with the nation took a complicated turn. One such instance occurred in 2021 during the Gaza conflict, when international attention was drawn to Israel’s military operations. There were heavy casualties and significant destruction as a result of the fighting.

Trump’s Public Remarks and Disapprovals

Trump had previously supported Israel with a strong stance, so his criticisms came as a surprise. He called on Israel to exercise greater restraint and openly denounced the scope of the military response. Trump’s remarks were interpreted as a dramatic shift from his previous positions, in which he had steadfastly backed Israel’s right to self-defense.

Response from the International Community and Israel, Trump said “F**K Him”

The Israeli government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the time, conveyed shock and disapproval over Trump’s remarks. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel must protect itself from Gaza’s alleged terrorist threats. Reactions to Trump’s criticism were not uniformly positive abroad. While some applauded him for advocating moderation, others perceived it as a contradiction in his approach to foreign policy.

Regarding the former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former President Donald Trump said, “F**k him.” In an interview that appears in the book “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East,” Trump praised Joe Biden for winning in November and expressed his disappointment with Netanyahu’s apparent “disloyalty” in following protocol.

Trump’s Decision to Stop American Foreign Funding to Israel

The most fearful situation for Israel is when America cuts down foreign funds to Israel, from the beginning when Israel lobbyist in United States of America was tightening their grip on the political stance. The focus of Zionists was to get the maximum foreign funds allocated to the state of Israel, for the well known reason which is Occupation.

If you want to understand more about how Israel Lobby worked in America then read the book titled They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby by Paul Findley.

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Background of American Foreign Aid to Israel

Since the 1970s, the United States of America has been a major military and economic ally of Israel. Israel’s security and economic stability have been greatly dependent on this support, so any shifts in this dynamic are significant.

Trump’s Policy Shift

Late in 2021, Trump made the unexpected announcement that he would no longer be providing foreign aid to Israel. He used worries about financial abuse and the need for fiscal responsibility in the US to support this decision. Trump’s desire to improve the terms of the aid package in order to better serve American interests also played a role in his decision.

This decision immediately strained relations between the United States and Israel. Concerns were raised by Israeli officials about possible effects on their military prowess and financial stability. Trump was criticized domestically by politicians on all sides of the aisle. While some justified the action as a first step toward cutting back on foreign spending, others contended that cutting off aid endangered the security of a vital ally.

The wider ramifications included the possibility that other nations would reconsider their aid pledges and a reevaluation of US foreign policy priorities.


Trump’s position on Israel’s treatment of Muslims came under intense scrutiny during his presidency. Even though he usually supported Israel’s actions, there were times when he seemed to acknowledge the criticisms in his remarks. Particularly contentious was Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, which sparked large-scale demonstrations and harsh criticism from nations with a majority of Muslims.

International organizations and Muslim communities swiftly voiced their criticism. Israel was charged by many with implementing policies that disenfranchised and mistreated Muslims, especially Palestinians. Israel was defended by Trump and his allies, who contended that the criticisms were politically motivated and that Israel was defending itself.

The situation might sound complex to many when you usually see Donald Trump being an Anti-Muslim icon. However, his recent remarks on Israel and Zionists are turning heads. Mainly when he talks about tightening America’s grip on foreign funds to Israel. As I mentioned before about the influence of the Israeli lobby in America’s politics. You might understand the extent to which they can got to stop any impact on Israel. Especially at the time when they are aggressive in making Greater Israel.

And now when the election trends are towards Donald Trump in America then Israel is deeply concerned.

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