Amnesty International just put out a report that talks about some serious human rights issues happening to Palestinians in places like the West Bank and Gaza. They say Israeli soldiers are using too much force, like live bullets, when dealing with protests and even in normal situations. This has led to many Palestinians being hurt or killed. The report also points out that these things are happening while Israel continues its occupation and expands settlements, which Amnesty says is illegal. They say their info came from people who saw things happen, videos, and medical papers. They’re calling for someone to step in and hold people responsible.
The report also brings up how Palestinians don’t have the freedom to move around easily. Things like checkpoints, roadblocks and the big wall keep them from going to work, getting healthcare or seeing family. Amnesty thinks these things aren’t just about security they are ways to keep control of the Palestinian people. They also talked about how Israel tears down Palestinian homes which forces people to move and breaks up families. It paints a picture of ongoing pain and unfairness.
Amnesty says that when Israeli soldiers are accused of doing these things, nothing really happens. They believe the investigations aren’t good enough and that people who break human rights laws are never really punished. They want international pressure put on Israel to stop this and they want the International Criminal Court to investigate everything. They hope their report will shine a light on how Palestinians are really suffering because of what Israeli forces are doing and the occupation itself.